IK’s Camping Trip

Hiiohoi! IK’s sports coordinators and culture responsibles organize camping trip for guild members! We head 22.-24.5. to Liesjärvi kansallispuisto for a refereshing weekend in nature. It’s going to be a two nights hike, and during daytimes we make a light trip in the blossoming nature while at the evenings we gather around a campfire and […]

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Excursion to NLS 6.3.2020

Are you interested to hear more about the geospatial infrastructure in Finland and the latest spatial data related research? Then join a visit to National Land Survey of Finland (Maanmittauslaitos) on Friday 6.3. at 13-15 in Pasila, Helsinki. There will be presentations on spatial data software created by NLS and what kind of research is […]

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Board 2020

Hi! We are IK’s Board 2020 🙂 We make sure that activity in our guild continues and that things develop in our guild. If you have any ideas due to guild activity, please tell us about it! You can either say it in person or leave a message in feedback form. Have a very pleasant year! […]

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IK and PT to Pikkulaskiainen 2020

Is the cold and dark finnish winter draining every inch of sunlight out of you? The solution is to come with IK and PT to Turku Finland and participate in the Pikkulaskiainen 2020! This, the biggest winter festival in Finland, which includes sliding a slope, bar crawl (approt) and an afterparty, combines traditional finnish sports […]

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Freshmen Gingerbread Element

After the long and action-packed freshman autumn, you might be finding yourself laden with tiredness and craving a bit of peace. What could be nicer than getting together for an evening in the Living Room of Teekkari Village (JMT5) for the last freshman event of the year to bake gingerbread, drink healthy, alcohol free Glögi […]

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Freshmens’s sportsday

Freshmen from the Guild of Civil Engineering have been offered a unique opportunity to measure up against each other with Vantaan Energia in Salmisaari’s Megazone (Energiakatu 3) on the 28.10. Come to the venue by your own means and arrive by 12:30 (Metro from Otaniemi + walking usually takes around 30 minutes), after the games […]

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