106½ Hermanni

106½ Hermanni on Fri 18.10. and Sillis 19.10. Again, half a year has passed from our beloved guild’s anniversary, Hermanni. The event is once again honoured with traditional sitsit. After shivering in the morning frosts, you might crave for warmer atmosphere and the 106½ Hermanni is ready to answer that. You don’t want to miss […]

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Piirakka EvenENG

The ENG guilds’ International team wants to take you on a journey of the art of baking karjalanpiirakka. Karjalanpiirakka is a very traditional Finnish food. Read more about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karelian_pasty This evening we will be learning how to bake it. We will be learning with you, so don’t worry if you have no previous experience. […]

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ENG First Sitsit 2019

ENG First Sitsit is a sitsit for all master’s and exchange students from IK, KIK and MK. It’s a great way to get to know the sitsi culture at Otaniemi! The event is mainly planned for new master’s and exchange students of IK, KIK and MK, as the idea is to tell about what sitsit […]

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Orientation week

Hello! The orientation week is almost here! Here is the orientation week’s schedule IK_orientation But remember to follow telegram for possible changes. If you are not in IK New Students 19 telegram-group or in any telegram group, contact your tutors or Ella (ella.asikainen [a] aalto.fi) and they will add you. See you all next week!

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ENG First EvenENG

Welcome to the first ENG EvenENG organised by the Master’s and Exchange student responsibles from the guilds of Mechanical, Civil and Surveying Engineers! The event is open to all master’s and exchange students from the three guilds in the School of Engineering (ENG) in addition to anyone else who wants to join the party. During […]

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Welcome new students!

Welcome all new students who are starting in autumn 2019! If you are starting to study in a Master’s degree of Advanced Energy Solutions, Geoengineering, Geoinformatics, Water and Environmental engineering, EMMEP or Nordic Master in Innovative Sustainable energy engineering, or coming for exchange and doing any of these subjects, or starting in International Bachelor’s degree […]

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Kesäkaukkarit (Summer Starter)

It’s time to wrap up another academic year and head to the summer vacations (jobs) accompanied by the traditional Summer Olympics and relaxation! This year also the atheletes and spectators have a refreshing sauna and a hottub at Rantsu waiting, not forgetting the recovery snacks and hydration. The BBQ will be hot all evening so […]

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Summer Competition

IK’s Summer Competition (Kesäkisat) is held at Alvari aquare on June 8th! After the summer comptetition we get to enjoy sauna at Rantasauna at Kesäkaukkarit. The biggest competition is something, that only the strongest of us can do: 110 meters fences. The IK’s traditional, very popular sport is the first one of the competitions, and […]

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IK Summer Days 2019

The Civil Engineering Guild is spending summer days at architects’ cottage on July 13-14! Come and spend the best weekend of the summer with friends. There will be grilling, games, sauna and an amazing evening. There is no limit for participants, but we recommend to take a tent, as sleeping places are limited. Take also […]

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IK & PT Pikkulaskiainen

Is the cold and dark finnish winter draining every inch of sunlight out of you? The solution is to come with IK and PT to Turku Finland and participate in the Pikkulaskiainen 2019! This, the biggest winter festival in Finland, which includes sliding a slope, bar crawl (approt) and an afterparty, combines traditional finnish sports […]

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